Is There a Cure for the Political Divide in America?

Before the question can be answered, we must consider the three evils that fuel the politics of division. I believe that the great black theologian, Howard Thurman, best described the three evils, when he called them the three hell hounds. Thurman referred to fear, hatred and hypocrisy as the three hounds of hell.

The 45th President of the United States of America, masterfully used the three hounds of hell to extirpate any racial cohesiveness that may have existed prior to his taking office. I do not see it as a good use of my time to dwell on the former president and how he used fear, hatred and hypocrisy to further divide the nation, for that picture has already been painted; yet I do believe that it is important to seek out ways to move from the politics of division to one that we all can unite around.

The recent election of a president and vice-president with moral and Christian principles of compassion and decency are only a start in the right direction. Adam Russell Taylor says, “There are no quick fixes or magic bullets,” for he believes that it is going to require transformation at every level.

As I thought about his statement, I began to wonder what will that transformation look like and what will it entail? I agree with those who believe that the transformation starts with recognizing our shared values. We have a lot more in common than we have that divides us. We may have different skin colors, different heights and weights, and different textual of hair; yet we all have been created by the same Creator.

None of us exists outside of the realm of God, and we all are endowed with the characteristics of humanity. Transformation will take place as we learn to appreciate everyone’s humanity regardless of skin color. Appreciating everyone’s humanity and developing relationships across the color line will help get rid of the myths and lies that have long been associated with the fears and grievance that divides us. Those fears and grievances have often been exploited by the politicians who benefit from division. Bringing people together across the color lines that have often created barriers must be a part of the transformation process.

It does not take a rocket scientist or some in-depth social or psychological analysis to understand what is needed to cure the political divide in America. If we remove those elements of fear that have existed between the different races, it will go a long way toward bridging the gap that has been created by division.

In order to bring forth transformation, we must remove the politicians that are attracted to the politics of division for the sake of maintaining power. We must root out the disinformation that has co-opted and corrupted our democracy. This means that transformation will require making sweeping and real change to the policies that have engendered inequalities and disparities in this nation.

Our faith in God calls us to be transformational. Jesus says, “Love one another as I have loved you.” When we seek to transform through the spirit of love, we then create a politics of common good that will not compromise the truth. A politics of common good that will not give way to selfish, greedy and partisan politics. The cure for the political divide in this country will only occur by towing the line that Jesus has laid, one of unselfish love toward all. The cure is not going to be easy, but it is obtainable when we pursue love and not greed, power or selfish agendas. Love will overpower the three hounds of hell known as fear, hatred and hypocrisy.