Why Are Some White Evangelicals Dying to Go to Church?

There’s an old distorted theology that’s fueling the lack of civic responsibility and compassion toward others that’s contributing to the refusal by certain people to wear masks and observe social distancing guidelines.  This distorted view has led some white evangelical pastors to thumb their noses at the health guidelines that were established by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) to protect Americans from COVID-19.

Eric L. McDaniel, who teaches at the University of Texas, made a statement that sheds light upon the actions of white evangelical pastors.  McDaniel says, “For centuries, a sector of American Christianity has believed itself to be citizens of “God’s special nation,” and they are willing to risk contracting the potentially deadly COVID-19 to prove that they are God’s chosen.  Dating back to the early American colonies, the idea of America being God’s chosen nation and the home of God’s chosen people have permeated the minds of white people.  It is the driving force behind what they believe to be “their” God given right or liberty to put other peoples’ lives at risk.

It is that same thought pattern of America being some divine nation for God’s chosen people that led to the idea of American Exceptionalism, a belief that America is better or superior to other nations.  It is fueled by an assumption that God has granted America a special role in the history of mankind and the white man is God’s special people.

It was that assumption that left the early white evangelicals feeling as though it was the white man that took the risk of making America into a nation and came out victorious because God willed it into existence.  That’s why they worship the American flag and call it patriotism.  For when they see the flag, they see what is perceived to be their God- given privilege to assert their liberty and jeopardize the lives of people of color by contradicting directions laid out by health authorities. 

If the truth be told, there’s a hypocrisy that the misguided evangelicals live with, and that is, God is the God of the white man only.  It is also a hypocrisy to believe that God, who the scripture says “has no respecter of person,” would approve of an attitude that makes one man superior to another.  It’s simply a hypocrisy that stems from a distorted theology that would lead America to perceive itself to be a nation of God; yet, overlook the atrocities of African slavery and Native Indian genocides that took place during the founding of America.

It is that same distortion that drives a philosophy that health and wealth are given to the faithful, while poverty and sickness are the results of sin.  This chain of thought is what makes it easy for some white Christians to view suffering, poverty and illness of others as not being a concern for the white elect.  That’s why though antithetical to the gospel, some whites subscribe to an ideology that they are God’s chosen and protected people who bear no responsibility toward people that are impoverish, sick or failing morally.

Those pastors and faith leaders who defy the orders to wear masks, observe social distancing and reopening guidelines, are doing so out of some misguided belief that they (white people) are God’s protected and favored nation.  They believe that God protects them and cares little about the risk that they pose to other Americans.

It is unfortunate that those pastors misguided belief and ignorance of Jesus’ rule that says, “Love one another as I have love you,” and His concerned for the “least of them” will lead them to risk exposing others to COVID-19.  Because the gospel also says, “Do not tempt the Lord thy God,” it behooves all Americans to follow the health guide lines and not some misguided evangelical pastor who supports and follows the likes of an amoral president.  They are dying to go to church based upon their delusion that God will protect them, because they are His favored and protected people of faith.

The true Church of God lives within each one of us, and we can worship Him from wherever and through the technology that He has blessed us with.  Our rights end when they start endangering other people’ lives, so be responsible and show love by caring and respecting others.  The church building will be there after the pandemic is over.