Senator Mitch McConnell’s Cover up for Trump

Senate Majority leader McConnell is like a cancer that’s continuously eating at the moral fiber of this country.  He has constantly rubberstamped all of the corrupt stuff that Trump has done, and lead the Republican Senate to become nothing less than Trump’s personal protector.

 The only decent thing that he has done lately is to move the stimulus package forward, however; we shouldn’t forget the many other pieces of beneficial legislation that he is holding up.  If the truth be told, he didn’t move the stimulus package along because it was good for all Americans, he did so because it would have been death to Trump’s political future.

 After all that McConnell did to harm President Obama’s presidency and stalled legislation that would have greatly made it easier for President Obama to improve the life and economy for all Americans, President Obama accomplished much good without McConnell’s support.  Now after more than three years of supporting the incompetence that has been coming out of the White House, McConnell is stooping to another low of distorting the facts in support of Trump.

McConnell is now suggesting that the lawful impeachment proceedings against Trump was the reason that Trump didn’t get ahead of the Covid-19.  If that’s the case, then he has really made the case for Trump’s incompetence.  I researched all that President Bill Clinton was able to accomplish while enduring several investigations into his past life history and impeachment proceedings.  I am sure that McConnell knows better, but again he’s putting up another smokescreen to hide Trump’s lack of ability to lead the country.

 McConnell must think the rest of the country is as shortsighted and as empty as Trump.  Apparently, he thinks that we forgot that it was February 5, 2020 when the McConnell controlled and frightened Republican majority Senate made a totally partisan political decision to acquit Trump.  McConnell hopes that we forgot that as late as March, Trump was calling the Coronavirus a hoax and didn’t even appear to take it seriously until his hands were forced by the decision of the World Health Organization (WHO) to declare Covid-19 a global pandemic.

Why doesn’t Mitch McConnell admit that the elephant in the room has nothing to do with Trump’s incompetence, but everything to do with his and other white right ring politicians and religious leaders’ desire to maintain white power?  I agree with Amy McGrath that’s campaigning against Mitch’s apparent white supremacy views, it’s time for Mitch McConnell to go!

Reuben J. Boyd Jr.

April 2, 2020